We are our Culture. Thus, it is essential to protect and promote the immense historical and artistic heritage that we have.
For this purpose, STEAV makes its expertise and its know-how, as well as its tools, available to know, render and manage the built heritage.
Putting new technologies at the service of cultural tradition we are custodians of, becomes a way to invest on the high potential of archaeological sites, historical buildings, museums and monuments, using resources efficiently to reduce wastefulness and arranging smart solutions, useful over time.
We offer the managing authorities and institutions, responsible for the conservation and restoration of the artistic real estate, critical surveys of the status quo, including non-invasive methods for the prior analysis and mapping of the state of decay. We can provide fundamental tools, necessary for the restoration planning and design intervention rating. From classic architectural survey to laser scanning, or directly by scan-to-BIM, which allows to develop a digital 3D model from the survey data (Historical BIM).